Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt MODULE ErrorElems; (** CAS 28-Oct-91 / MH 28-Sep-1993**) IMPORT Display, Input, Files, Fonts, Printer, Oberon, Texts, Viewers, MenuViewers, TextFrames, TextPrinter; CONST ErrFile = "OberonErrors.Text"; ErrFont = "Syntax8.Scn.Fnt"; (* MH: may be changed to any font *) mm =; CR = 0DX; middleKey = 1; leftKey = 2; TYPE Elem* = POINTER TO ElemDesc; ElemDesc* = RECORD(Texts.ElemDesc) err*: INTEGER; msg*: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; expanded: BOOLEAN; END; font*: Fonts.Font; W: Texts.Writer; lastTime: LONGINT; PROCEDURE MarkedFrame (): TextFrames.Frame; VAR V: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN V := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (V IS MenuViewers.Viewer) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN RETURN ELSE RETURN NIL END END MarkedFrame; PROCEDURE Show (F: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT); VAR beg, end, delta: LONGINT; BEGIN delta := 200; LOOP beg :=; end := TextFrames.Pos(F, F.X, F.Y); IF (beg <= pos) & (pos < end) OR (beg = end) THEN EXIT END; TextFrames.Show(F, pos - delta); DEC(delta, 20) END END Show; PROCEDURE IntToStr (x: LONGINT; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 10 OF CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT str[i] := CHR((x MOD 10) + ORD("0")); x := x DIV 10; INC(i) UNTIL x = 0; REPEAT DEC(i); s[j] := str[i]; INC(j) UNTIL i = 0; s[j] := 0X; END IntToStr; PROCEDURE Width (E: Elem): INTEGER; VAR fnt: Fonts.Font; pat: Display.Pattern; i, px, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN fnt := Fonts.This(ErrFont); i := 0; px := 0; WHILE E.msg[i] # 0X DO Display.GetChar(fnt.raster, E.msg[i], dx, x, y, w, h, pat); INC(px, dx); INC(i) END; RETURN px + 6 END Width; PROCEDURE ShowErrMsg* (E: Elem; F: Display.Frame; col: SHORTINT; x0, y0, dw: INTEGER); VAR fnt: Fonts.Font; pat: Display.Pattern; i, px, rm, dx, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN fnt := Fonts.This(ErrFont); i := 0; px := x0 + 3; rm := x0 + dw - 3; LOOP ch := E.msg[i]; INC(i); IF ch = 0X THEN EXIT END; Display.GetChar(fnt.raster, ch, dx, x, y, w, h, pat); IF px + dx > rm THEN EXIT END; Display.CopyPattern(col, pat, px + x, y0 + y, Display.invert); INC(px, dx) END END ShowErrMsg; PROCEDURE Expand* (E: Elem; pos: LONGINT); VAR S: Texts.Scanner; T: Texts.Text; n, m: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN NEW(T); Texts.Open(T, ErrFile); Texts.OpenScanner(S, T, 0); REPEAT S.line := 0; REPEAT Texts.Scan(S) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.line # 0) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.class = Texts.Int) & (S.i = E.err); IF ~S.eot THEN Texts.Read(S, ch); n := 0; WHILE ~S.eot & (ch # CR) & (n + 1 < LEN(E.msg)) DO E.msg[n] := ch; INC(n); Texts.Read(S, ch) END; E.msg[n] := 0X; E.W := LONG(Width(E)) * TextFrames.Unit; TextFrames.NotifyDisplay(Texts.ElemBase(E), Texts.replace, pos, pos+1) END; E.expanded := TRUE; END Expand; PROCEDURE Reduce* (E: Elem; pos: LONGINT); BEGIN E.W := 3 * mm; IntToStr(E.err, E.msg); E.W := LONG(Width(E)) * TextFrames.Unit; TextFrames.NotifyDisplay(Texts.ElemBase(E), Texts.replace, pos, pos+1); E.expanded := FALSE; END Reduce; PROCEDURE Delete* (E: Elem; pos: LONGINT); VAR T: Texts.Text; BEGIN T := Texts.ElemBase(E); IF T # NIL THEN Texts.Delete(T, pos, pos + 1) END END Delete; PROCEDURE Copy* (SE, DE: Elem); BEGIN Texts.CopyElem(SE, DE); DE.err := SE.err; DE.msg := SE.msg; DE.expanded := SE.expanded; END Copy; PROCEDURE Prepare* (E: Elem; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR voff: INTEGER); VAR max: INTEGER; BEGIN IF font.height > fnt.height THEN max := font.height ELSE max := fnt.height END; E.H := LONG(max+1) * TextFrames.Unit; voff := fnt.minY; END Prepare; PROCEDURE Disp* (E: Elem; F: Display.Frame; col: SHORTINT; fnt: Fonts.Font; x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN w := SHORT(E.W DIV TextFrames.Unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV TextFrames.Unit); Display.ReplConst(15, x0, y0 , w , h, Display.replace); IF E.msg[0] # 0X THEN ShowErrMsg(E, F, col, x0, y0 - fnt.minY, w) END END Disp; PROCEDURE Print* (E: Elem; x0, y0: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN w := SHORT(E.W DIV TextPrinter.Unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV TextPrinter.Unit); Printer.ReplConst(x0 + 1, y0 + 2, w - 2, h) END Print; PROCEDURE Edit* (E: Elem; pos: LONGINT; x0, y0, x, y: INTEGER; keysum: SET); VAR w, h: INTEGER; keys: SET; BEGIN IF keysum = {middleKey} THEN w := SHORT(E.W DIV TextFrames.Unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV TextFrames.Unit); Oberon.RemoveMarks(x0, y0, w, h); Display.ReplConst(15, x0 + 2 , y0 + 2, w - 4, h - 4, Display.invert); REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, x, y); keysum := keysum + keys; Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y); UNTIL keys = {}; Display.ReplConst(15, x0 + 2, y0 + 2, w - 4, h - 4, Display.invert); IF keysum = {middleKey} THEN IF E.expanded THEN Reduce(E, pos) ELSE Expand(E, pos) END END END END Edit; PROCEDURE Handle* (E: Texts.Elem; VAR msg: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR e: Elem; pos: LONGINT; w, h: INTEGER; keys, keysum: SET; BEGIN WITH E: Elem DO IF msg IS TextFrames.DisplayMsg THEN WITH msg: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF ~msg.prepare THEN Disp(E, msg.frame, msg.col, msg.fnt, msg.X0, msg.Y0) ELSE Prepare (E, msg.fnt, msg.Y0) END END ELSIF msg IS TextPrinter.PrintMsg THEN WITH msg: TextPrinter.PrintMsg DO IF ~msg.prepare THEN Print(E, msg.X0, msg.Y0) END END ELSIF msg IS Texts.CopyMsg THEN NEW(e); Copy(E, e); msg(Texts.CopyMsg).e := e; ELSIF msg IS TextFrames.TrackMsg THEN WITH msg: TextFrames.TrackMsg DO Edit(E, msg.pos, msg.X0, msg.Y0, msg.X, msg.Y, msg.keys) END END END END Handle; PROCEDURE InsertAt* (T: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT; err: INTEGER); VAR e: Elem; BEGIN NEW(e); e.H := LONG(font.height + 2) * TextFrames.Unit; e.handle := Handle; e.err := err; IntToStr(err, e.msg); e.W := LONG(Width(e)) * TextFrames.Unit; e.expanded := FALSE; Texts.WriteElem(W, e); Texts.Insert(T, pos, W.buf) END InsertAt; PROCEDURE Unmark*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT; R: Texts.Reader; BEGIN F := MarkedFrame(); IF F # NIL THEN Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, 0); Texts.ReadElem(R); WHILE ~R.eot DO IF R.elem IS Elem THEN pos := Texts.Pos(R); Texts.Delete(F.text, pos-1, pos); Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, pos-1) END; Texts.ReadElem(R) END END END Unmark; PROCEDURE Mark*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; S: Texts.Scanner; T: Texts.Text; text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time, pos, delta: LONGINT; err: INTEGER; BEGIN Unmark; F := MarkedFrame(); Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); delta := 0; IF (F # NIL) & (time >= lastTime) THEN lastTime := time; T := F.text; Texts.OpenScanner(S, text, beg); LOOP S.line := 0; REPEAT Texts.Scan(S) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.line # 0) OR (S.class = Texts.Int); IF S.eot OR (S.line # 0) THEN EXIT END; pos := S.i; REPEAT Texts.Scan(S) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.line # 0) OR (S.class = Texts.Int); IF S.eot OR (S.line # 0) THEN EXIT END; err := SHORT(S.i); InsertAt(T, pos + delta, err); INC(delta); REPEAT Texts.Scan(S) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.line # 0) END END END Mark; PROCEDURE LocateNext*; VAR F: TextFrames.Frame; beg, pos: LONGINT; R: Texts.Reader; BEGIN F := MarkedFrame(); IF F # NIL THEN IF F.hasCar THEN beg := F.carloc.pos ELSE beg := 0 END; Texts.OpenReader(R, F.text, beg); REPEAT Texts.ReadElem(R) UNTIL R.eot OR (R.elem IS Elem); IF ~R.eot & (R.elem IS Elem) THEN Oberon.PassFocus(Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y)); pos := Texts.Pos(R); Show(F, pos-1); TextFrames.SetCaret(F, pos) ELSE TextFrames.RemoveCaret(F) END END END LocateNext; BEGIN font := Fonts.This(ErrFont); Texts.OpenWriter(W); lastTime := -1; END ErrorElems. ErrorElems.Mark ^ ErrorElems.Unmark * ErrorElems.LocateNext